Montreal in Street Art

When it comes to arts and culture, Montreal is at the front of the pack. It is hard to give a city a grade on arts and culture, but immediately obvious when it exists. Montreal radiates arts and culture. This city is alive around the clock.

One of my favourite parts of visiting Montreal was all of the street art. It was everywhere! Montreal street art is prominent, interesting, and makes the experience of a new city feel more awesome.


Homage to women on the windows of this church.

This one seemed more like graffiti than commissioned art, but still looked great.
Mellow yellow.
Never too old.
Graffiti art about graffiti art.
In case you were confused about the medium.
Didn’t your mother teach you it’s rude to stare?
Graffiti is family friendly!
Bryan Cranston is wired into Montreal.
Lights, camera, action.
My emo heart is bleeding out.
Not your grandmother’s toybox.

What other cities live and breathe arts and culture? Where are the best places in the world to experience street art? Let me know in the comments!

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